Description: An XML gleaner for collecting MN, WI, and IA METAR weather data.
Written by: Jim Miller
An example of an XML report from a single station.
Here is an example of a single-site query:
And the XML report:
<response version="1.2" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="http://aviationweather.gov/adds/schema/metar1_2.xsd">
<data_source name="metars"/>
<request type="retrieve"/>
<data num_results="1">
KMKT 292235Z AUTO 03013G19KT 10SM CLR 19/M02 A2998 RMK AO1
<sky_condition sky_cover="CLR"/>
Import supporting modules
# System and OS
import sys, os
# Strings
import string
# HTML fetching
import requests
from urllib2 import urlopen
# Windows extensions (pywin32-220.win32-py2.7.exe)
import win32com.client
import pywintypes # supports exceptions names
# time and date functionality
import time
import datetime
# In support of XML parsing
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
def timeA_GT_global(timeA):
# Check to see if A is later than what's in the global.
# and replace the global if it is...
# Must declare locally to change a global. If no global declaration, the
# ASSIGNMENT statement will force this variable to be local here in this
# function.
global time_datetime_maxDLSdate
if (timeA > time_datetime_maxDLSdate):
time_datetime_maxDLSdate = timeA
def nZS( string):
# When writing to the spreadsheet, zero-length strings should be represented as None
if (string == ""):
value = None
value = string
return value
def utc( timeTuple):
timeString = "%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d" % (timeTuple[1], timeTuple[2], timeTuple[0], timeTuple[3], timeTuple[4], timeTuple[5])
return timeString
def processMultipleStations_xml(station_dictionary):
# Build the URL string to get data from Multiple stations by making one query to the server.
# (returned on one page).
# Single station query for KMKT
# https://aviationweather.gov/cgi-bin/data/dataserver.php?dataSource=metars&requestType=retrieve&format=xml&mostrecentforeachstation=constraint&hoursBeforeNow=2&stationString=KMKT
# https://aviationweather.gov/cgi-bin/data/dataserver.php (current server)
# https://aviationweather.gov/adds/dataserver_current/httpparam (old)
url_base = ("https://aviationweather.gov/cgi-bin/data/dataserver.php?" +
"dataSource=metars&" +
"requestType=retrieve&" +
"format=xml&" +
"mostrecentforeachstation=constraint&" +
"hoursBeforeNow=2&" +
station_names = ""
station_count = 0
for station_name in station_dictionary.keys():
station_count = station_count + 1
station_names = station_names + station_name + ","
station_names = station_names[:-1] # remove the last comma
webpage_url = url_base + station_names
# Fetch the XML page
page = urlopen(webpage_url)
message_str = "Error opening url ::: %s ==> %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)
enterInLog( message_str)
print message_str
# Stop here.
return ''
# Parse the XML
dom_object = parse(page)
message_str = "Error parsing XML ::: %s ==> %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value)
enterInLog( message_str)
print message_str
# Stop here.
return ''
rowsForSpreadsheet = []
# Check for error and warning messages in the XML. If found, write to log
# and exit subroutine.
message_error = getXMLvalueFirstElement(dom_object, "error")
message_warning = getXMLvalueFirstElement(dom_object, "warning")
if (message_error <> '') or (message_warning <> ''):
# Send warnings to log file (and should also email a message).
message_str = "Warning = %s \nError = %s" % (message_warning, message_error)
enterInLog( message_str)
print message_str
# If there is an error (i.e., no data to work with), exit this function.
if (message_error <> ''):
return ''
# Check an attribute in the XML to find the number of sites that return
# data.
n_data = int(dom_object.getElementsByTagName("data")[0].attributes["num_results"].value)
# Write data for each station
write_count = 0
for data_index in range(n_data): # range of 0 to n_data-1
# Develop SQL statement
sqlForStation = buildSQL_xml(dom_object, data_index)
# Run the SQL (send formal SQL string and info list). If a
# successful write is indicated, bump up the counter.
if (runSQL( sqlForStation[0], sqlForStation[1])):
write_count = write_count + 1
rowsForSpreadsheet.append( sqlForStation[2])
# Note the backslash is a line-continuation character.
message_str = "general error in Station loop ::: %s ==> %s, \nStation name = %s" \
% (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value,
getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "station_id"))
print message_str
# If there was a successful write to database, make entry in log showing
# the number of successful gleans from the web site and the number of
# successful writes to the database.
# W = Writes
# G = Gleans
# P = Possible (number of stations collecting from)
if (write_count > 0):
message_str = "New data added: %sW %sG %sP" % (write_count, n_data, station_count)
enterInLog( message_str)
write_to_spreadsheet( rowsForSpreadsheet)
print ""
print "url = %s" % (webpage_url)
print "%s successful writes from %s of %s stations returning data." % (write_count, n_data, station_count)
#print "station names = ", station_names
def write_to_spreadsheet( data):
sheet_url = "https://script.google.com/macros/s/AKfycbxEURXa6nwLdmivY6LNVqNvGs_ltg0E7OhncYDT45GZ8wn1v1SA9oruY6Iidy-pWBF08w/exec"
postDict = {"sheetName":"aw", "weatherData":data}
# Send with POST. Note: the postDict dictionary gets converted to a JSON string.
jsonRequest = requests.post( sheet_url, json=postDict)
message_str = "Error opening URL."
print message_str + ", URL = " + sheet_url
def getXMLvalueFirstElement(dom_object, itemName):
# This is the simplest approach. Just grab the first element value where
# the element name matches the itemName target.
value = dom_object.getElementsByTagName(itemName)[0].childNodes[0].data
value = ''
return value
def getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, itemName):
# Use the data_index to access elements in the nth hunk of site data in the
# dom object. (Catch the error if what we are looking for is NOT in the
# XML tree.)
# The following approach avoids the problem associated with the Wind
# Gust data. Namely that it's not always present in each metar group.
# So if you search directly for wind gust data using the
# getElementsByTagName function and index, data associations will get
# confused. This approach is much better in that you only search for
# wind gust data from within an individual metar group.
nth_metar_group = dom_object.getElementsByTagName("METAR")[data_index]
value = nth_metar_group.getElementsByTagName(itemName)[0].childNodes[0].data
value = ''
return value
def cent_to_far(temp_c):
if temp_c == '':
t_far = ''
t_far = round(((9.0/5.0) * float(temp_c)) + 32.0, 1)
return t_far
def buildSQL_xml(dom_object, data_index):
# Read the station name in the nth hunk of data.
station_name = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "station_id")
print "\nStation = ", station_name
# Use the dictionary to look up the station number.
station_number = station_dic[station_name]['ID']
# Time (some necessary labor)
# Get the ISO time string from the XML. This time stamp, in the XML, is not a local time,
# but rather is in UTC time (formally known as Greenwich Mean time, GMT). In other words
# this is not the local time of the weather station recording the data.
time_ISO_UTC = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "observation_time")
#print "time_ISO_UTC=", time_ISO_UTC
# Parse the time string, which is in an ISO format, into a tuple. First, slice off the
# trailing "Z" in the time string. Note that the Z is for Zulu time, or also known as UTC time.
# (year, month, day, hour, minute, second, weekday, yearday, daylightSavingAdjustment)
time_tuple_UTC = time.strptime(time_ISO_UTC[:-1], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
print "time_tuple_UTC =", time_tuple_UTC
# The Unix epoch (or Unix time or POSIX time or Unix timestamp) is the number of seconds
# that have elapsed since January 1, 1970 (midnight UTC/GMT), not counting leap seconds
# (in ISO 8601: 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z).
# Convert to seconds since the epoch. First it is important to know that
# mktime expects a local time, not a UTC time, and we have gotten a UTC
# time from the XML. So to correct for that, we must subtract off the
# timezones (in seconds) to correctly form the epoch time. Time.timezone
# is the offset of the local (non-DST) timezone, in seconds west of UTC. I
# know this seems ugly, but this is the simplest way to convert from UTC
# to epoch.
# BUT, seems to me that this isn't a true EPOCH value. When I past the KMKT
# value into an EPOCH to time converter it gives a value that is one hour behind
# in the summer. Something is not right here...
time_epoch = time.mktime(time_tuple_UTC) - time.timezone
#print "time_epoch =", time_epoch
# Side Note: This localtime function (using the time module) properly
# determines if there is daylight savings time or not. You can use the
# last value in the tuple to establish if DLS. As of March 2007, the times
# in the database will be in local (to the weather station) standard time.
time_tuple_gleaner = time.localtime(float(time_epoch))
#print "time_tuple_gleaner =", time_tuple_gleaner
# This ASCII version might be handy for printing. Not currently used
# anywhere else.
time_tuple_gleaner_ascii = time.asctime(time_tuple_gleaner)
#print "time_tuple_gleaner_ascii =", time_tuple_gleaner_ascii
# Create a datetime version of the time object. This will be in a timezone local
# to the computer that is running this code (the gleaner). Apparently this always
# returns a local (gleaner) standard time.
time_datetime_gleaner_std = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(time_epoch))
#print "time_datetime_gleaner_std =", time_datetime_gleaner_std
# Check for daylight savings time and properly generate a DLS version of
# the local time. That is, spring forward if during DLS. This is needed
# for updating the daysGleaned table in the database. Otherwise data
# gleaned during the first hour after midnight will not trigger a new day
# in the daysGleaned table (because standard time doesn't consider this
# data a new day). And the website won't let you get at the new data
# because there is no corresponding date in the "days" control. Confusing;
# I know. This little juggle must be done because the web site plots in DLS
# and the data is stored in the database as standard time.
# One issue here is that you have to use the gleaner time zone when doing this.
# Probably would be better if used the native time zone.
# If the last part of this tuple is equal to 1, then it's daylightsavings time.
if (time_tuple_gleaner[-1] == 1):
timeshift = datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
time_datetime_gleaner_dls = time_datetime_gleaner_std + timeshift
time_datetime_gleaner_dls = time_datetime_gleaner_std
#print "time_datetime_gleaner_dls =", time_datetime_gleaner_dls
# Shift the gleaner times to the native time zone (the local time zone where the sensor is).
TZ_shift_net = station_dic[station_name]['TZS_MN'] - TZShift_gleanermoved
time_datetime_native_std = time_datetime_gleaner_std + datetime.timedelta(hours=TZ_shift_net)
time_datetime_native_dls = time_datetime_gleaner_dls + datetime.timedelta(hours=TZ_shift_net)
#print "time_datetime_native_std =", time_datetime_native_std
# Update the global variable that keeps the latest DLS datetime value (a
# datetime object).
# Here is a way to create a time tuple from a datetime object. TLS is just
# a short name that is handy in the string-builder code below.
tls = time_datetime_native_std.timetuple()
#print "tls =", tls
# Build date strings that will work with the database operation (insert):
datetime_string = "%d/%d/%d %d:%d:%d" % (tls[1], tls[2], tls[0], tls[3], tls[4], 0)
MDY_string = "%d/%d/%d" % (tls[1], tls[2], tls[0] )
Hr_string = "%d" % ( tls[3] )
Min_string = "%d" % ( tls[4] )
# print "Datetime string = ", datetime_string
# Get the rest of the data
wind_dir_degrees = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "wind_dir_degrees")
knots_to_mph = 1.15078030303
wind_speed_kt = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "wind_speed_kt")
if (wind_speed_kt == ''):
wind_speed_mph = ''
wind_dir_degrees = ''
wind_speed_mph = round(float(wind_speed_kt) * knots_to_mph, 0)
if (wind_speed_mph == 0.0):
wind_dir_degrees = ''
if wind_dir_degrees <> '':
if (float(wind_dir_degrees) < 0.0):
wind_dir_degrees = ''
wind_gust_kt = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "wind_gust_kt")
if (wind_gust_kt == ''):
wind_gust_mph = wind_speed_mph
wind_gust_mph = round(float(wind_gust_kt) * knots_to_mph, 0)
temp_c = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "temp_c")
temp_f = cent_to_far(temp_c)
dewpoint_c = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "dewpoint_c")
dewpoint_f = cent_to_far(dewpoint_c)
altim_in_hg = getXMLvalueInStationGroup(dom_object, data_index, "altim_in_hg")
# Construct the string: this block of code loops through the values
# building up the SQL string as long as there are no empty string values.
# This is one way to insert NULL values into the database (i.e. just
# take them completely out of the SQL string)
sql_data_raw = (
str(time_epoch), datetime_string, time_ISO_UTC, MDY_string, Hr_string, Min_string,
str(station_number), station_name, str(wind_dir_degrees), str(wind_speed_mph), str(wind_gust_mph),
str(temp_f), str(dewpoint_f), str(altim_in_hg) )
sql_names_raw = (
'PerlTime', 'DateTimeStamp', 'LiteralDateTimeStamp', 'TimeMDY', 'TimeHr', 'TimeMin',
'StationNumber', 'StationName', 'WindDirection', 'WindSpeed', 'WindGust',
'TempAvg', 'DewPoint', 'Pressure')
#newSpreadSheetRow = [stationName, utc( timestamp_literal), nN( temp_f), nN( dewPoint_f), nN( windDirection_deg), nN( windSpeed_mph), nN( windGust_mph), nN( pressure_inHg)]
spreadSheetRow = [station_name, utc( time_tuple_UTC), nZS( temp_f), nZS( dewpoint_f), nZS( wind_dir_degrees), nZS( wind_speed_mph), nZS( wind_gust_mph), nZS( altim_in_hg)]
sql_names = "INSERT INTO FifteenMinData ("
sql_format = "VALUES ("
sql_data = () # Empty tuple
index = 0
for data_value in sql_data_raw:
if data_value <> '':
sql_names = sql_names + sql_names_raw[index] + ", "
# Add a value to the tuple; note a single value tuple must be represented with a comma..
sql_data = sql_data + (data_value,)
# Note: best practice would be to not quote numeric values, quote only strings and dates.
sql_format = sql_format + "'%s',"
index = index + 1
# remove the last comma and append a ")"
sql_format = sql_format[:-1] + ")"
sql_names = sql_names[:-2] + ") "
# Nice to see this at the console (when manually running).
print sql_data
# Apply the formatting operation. Note this sql_data MUST be a tuple for
# this formatting approach to work.
sql_data_formatted = sql_format % sql_data
sql_string = sql_names + sql_data_formatted
print "SQL string = ", sql_string
# Return SQL string and data list (to be used with error messages)
return (sql_string, sql_data, spreadSheetRow)
def runSQL(sql_string, row_ascii):
# row_ascii: Contains the variable names and is useful in constructing error messages.
successful_execution = False
# Execute SQL string
successful_execution = True
# For testing
#print "SQL = ", sql_string
#print "row_ascii = ", row_ascii
except pywintypes.com_error: # catch this specific error
# If only a "duplicate data" error, don't write to the log file
if (string.find(str(sys.exc_value), "duplicate data") <> -1):
print "Data already in database (sql warning)."
message_str = "SQL error ::: %s ==> %s, \nData value = %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, row_ascii)
print message_str
message_str = "general error ::: %s ==> %s, \nData value = %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value, row_ascii)
print message_str
else: # Run this block if no errors...
print "Successful SQL execution!"
# # For testing, clean out any new records for this date.
# sql = "DELETE * FROM [FifteenMinData] WHERE ([TimeMDY] = #6/29/2006#)"
# database_conn.Execute(sql)
def enterInLog( logentry):
logFile.write('==============' + str(datetime.datetime.today()) + '====V ' + version_number + '\n')
logFile.write( logentry + '\n')
def openConnections():
# Open logFile
global logFile
# The getcwd os function returns the current working directory. Another
# similar command is os.path.abspath(""). This returns "C:\\waconia" on
# Physics2 and "C:\\code\\python\\scraper" at here at home. Note that if
# this is running as a system AT job, this will return something like
# "C:\\winnt\\system32"
logFileDir = os.getcwd()
# If it's not at home then it must be running on Physics2
if (logFileDir <> "C:\\code\\python\\scraper"):
logFileDir = "C:\\Users\\Jim\\Documents\\webcontent\\waconia"
logFileName = "ws_log.txt"
logFilePath = logFileDir + "\\" + logFileName
# Check for the file and create a new one if none is found.
# Note: os.curdir doesn't work as a way to find the current directory when
# if this task is scheduled. So I use the absolute paths above.
if logFileName not in os.listdir(logFileDir):
logFile = open(logFilePath, 'w') # create and write
sys.exit("Error when opening log file. Script stopped!!!") # Shutdown if no way to log...
# Header in file.
logFile.write('==============VERSION '+ version_number +'========================' + '\n')
logFile.write('File created: ' + str(datetime.datetime.today()) + '\n')
logFile.write('=================================================' + '\n')
logFile.write('=================================================' + '\n')
logFile.write('=================================================' + '\n')
logFile = open(logFilePath, 'a') # append
# Open Database connection
global database_conn
database_conn = win32com.client.Dispatch(r'ADODB.Connection')
# Set path to the database.
DSN = 'PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;DATA SOURCE=C:/Users/Jim/Documents/webcontent/waconia/data/telem.mdb;'
enterInLog("Error ::: %s ==> %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value))
# Close logFile on the way out.
sys.exit("Error when opening database connection. Script stopped!!!")
def closeConnections():
database_conn.Close() # Notice the CAPITAL C
logFile.close() # Notice the lowercase c
def attemptWriteToDaysGleaned():
# This serves to keep the DaysGleaned table up to date. This table is used
# to populate the "Days" selection control on the web site.
# If this gleaner is the first to cross into a new day (which it should since it looks at
# central time zone sources), this should produce a successful write.
# Make a local tuple out of the global time_datetime_maxDLSdate
dT = time_datetime_maxDLSdate.timetuple()
sql_string = "INSERT INTO DaysGleaned ([TimeMDY]) VALUES ('%s/%s/%s')" % (dT[1],dT[2],dT[0])
# If not a "duplicate data" error, write to the log file.
if (string.find(str(sys.exc_value), "duplicate data") == -1): # can't find it in string
enterInLog("Error ::: %s ==> %s" % (sys.exc_type, sys.exc_value))
Main program
# global variables (any variable in Main that get assigned)
# This global is used for triggering a new day in the database's daysgleaned table.
time_datetime_maxDLSdate = datetime.datetime(2001,1,1) # initialize to some old date
# This also gets written to the log file.
version_number = "1.94"
print "Version Number = ", version_number
# Prepare to write to database and log file.
# This global is used to shift the time-zone shifts if the gleaner is ever
# moved from MN.
TZShift_gleanermoved = 0
# The airport site name/number dictionary
station_dic = {
# Sites near Saint Peter.
'KMKT':{'ID':'101','TZS_MN':0}, # Mankato
'KMML':{'ID':'102','TZS_MN':0}, # Marshall
'KFRM':{'ID':'103','TZS_MN':0}, # Fairmont
'KHCD':{'ID':'104','TZS_MN':0}, # Hutchinson
'KULM':{'ID':'105','TZS_MN':0}, # New Ulm
'KFBL':{'ID':'106','TZS_MN':0}, # Faribault
'KAEL':{'ID':'107','TZS_MN':0}, # Albert Lea
'KOWA':{'ID':'108','TZS_MN':0}, # Owatonna
# Sites near Waconia.
'KLVN':{'ID':'110','TZS_MN':0}, # Lakeville
'KGYL':{'ID':'111','TZS_MN':0}, # Glencoe
'KLJF':{'ID':'112','TZS_MN':0}, # Litchfield
'KBDH':{'ID':'113','TZS_MN':0}, # Willmar
'KPEX':{'ID':'114','TZS_MN':0}, # Paynesville
# Sites near Worthington.
'KOTG':{'ID':'120','TZS_MN':0}, # Worthington
'KSPW':{'ID':'121','TZS_MN':0}, # Spencer, IA
# Sites near Mille Lacs (Aitkin).
'KAIT':{'ID':'130','TZS_MN':0}, # Aitkin
'KJMR':{'ID':'131','TZS_MN':0}, # Mora
# Sites in general.
'KFGN':{'ID':'140','TZS_MN':0}, # Flag Island
'KDYT':{'ID':'141','TZS_MN':0}, # Duluth
'KLSE':{'ID':'142','TZS_MN':0}, # La Cross
'KONA':{'ID':'143','TZS_MN':0}, # Winona
'KRGK':{'ID':'144','TZS_MN':0}, # Red Wing
'KCFE':{'ID':'145','TZS_MN':0}, # Buffalo Muni
'KAXN':{'ID':'146','TZS_MN':0}, # Alexandria
'KFFM':{'ID':'147','TZS_MN':0}, # Fergus Falls
'KADC':{'ID':'148','TZS_MN':0}, # Wadena Muni
'KGHW':{'ID':'149','TZS_MN':0}, # Glenwood
'KBRD':{'ID':'150','TZS_MN':0}, # Brainerd
'KLXL':{'ID':'151','TZS_MN':0}, # Little Falls
# Sites near White Bear and Saint Croix River.
'KRNH':{'ID':'160','TZS_MN':0}, # New Richmond
'KANE':{'ID':'161','TZS_MN':0}, # Blaine
'KSTP':{'ID':'162','TZS_MN':0}, # Saint Paul
# Fritz's sites on the cape...
'KCQX':{'ID':'163','TZS_MN':1}, # Chatham, MA
# Alaska...
'PABR':{'ID':'200','TZS_MN':-3}, # Barrow, AK
# Hatteras
'KHSE':{'ID':'205','TZS_MN': 1}, # Cape Hatteras, NC
# Pasco,WA airport...
'KPSC':{'ID':'165','TZS_MN':-2}, # Pasco, WA
# Antarctica
'NZSP':{'ID':'380','TZS_MN':18}, # AMUNDSEN-SCOTT
# Japan
'RJTT':{'ID':'385','TZS_MN':15}, # TOKYO INTL AIRPO
# Near Bob Douglas in GA
'KSSI':{'ID':'386','TZS_MN': 1} # GA BRUNSWICK
# Fetch one page, then parse and write to database once for each site
# Run cleanup query
nDaysBack = datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta(days=+366)
nDB = nDaysBack.timetuple()
time_string = str(nDB[0]) + "/" + str(nDB[1]) + "/" + str(nDB[2])
print "\nSQL initiated to remove old records from two tables."
runSQL("DELETE * FROM [FifteenMinData] WHERE ([TimeMDY] < #" + time_string + "#)", "")
runSQL("DELETE * FROM [DaysGleaned] WHERE ([TimeMDY] < #" + time_string + "#)", "")
# Close connections to database and log file.