<%@ Language=VBScript %>
Option Explicit
' Author: James D. (Jim) Miller
' Version: 5.0
' 10:47 PM Thu April 6, 2023
' Buffer and release all at once...
Response.Buffer = True
<!-- #include file="common/adovbs.inc" -->
<!-- #include file="common/headers.asp" -->
<!-- #include file="common/connection_code.asp" -->
' Common Variables (globals)
Dim DBConnection, rstDate, rstTelem, rstStations, rstLatestDate, rstMostRecent, rstMinMaxFifteenMinData, rstTimeZone
Dim dteMaxTimeStamp
Dim strSQL, strNameForPlot, intMaxGust, intNonPlottingHeight, intTempDiffScalingThreshold
Dim strTitle, strHGSL
Dim sglTempMax, sglTempMin, sglPressureMin, sglPressureMax, sglTempRange, sglDewPointMin, blnDewPointData
Dim strMRTime, strMRWindAvg, strMRWindMax, strMRWindDir, strMRTemp, strMRPressure, strMRDewPoint
Dim Chart
Dim Filename
Dim WeatherTypes, WeatherTypes_URL, WeatherTypes_count, DaysChoices
Dim dteStartDateTime, dteEndDateTime, dteStartDate_forLabels
Dim TimeLabels, TheHour, DayValue, DaysDecSinceRef, intHour
Dim blnMinMax, blnFoundSomeData
Dim intTheColor
Dim strRandomNameString, strFileName2, strOrderBy, intColorScaleFactor
Dim fsoObject, fdrObject, filObject
Dim intFileCount
Dim blnDayLightSavingsTime
Dim dtePostedDate, blnPostedDate_default
Dim intJ, intDays, intXLabels, dblDaysIncrement, dblDaysFraction, dblFractionalPart, dteLabelDate, intLabelsPerDay
Dim dblDPmin, dblDPmax
Dim dblWindNormFactor, intRed, intGreen, intBlue, intGray
Dim strRegionURL, strSensor, strInitializeTimer, strLocation
Dim serverTimeArray, serverTime, intPixelBottomShift, intPixelRightShift, intPixelRightShift_tweak
Dim strShowImages_command
Dim vrtReturnFromMINMAX
Dim intMinutes, dblFiveMinutes, intSeconds_FromMinutes, intSeconds_FromSeconds, intDelay_to_5min
Dim strButtonLabel
Dim strTimeZone, dicTZ
Dim arrRegions, strRegionValue, strRegion, strRegionState
Dim strDebugMessage
Dim dteNowTime, dteStartDateTime_forQuery
Dim str24Hrs_state, strTimer_state, strTimer_value, strRA_state
' Functions and Subroutines
Sub RBC(strTheString)
Response.Write strTheString & "<BR>" & Chr(10)
End Sub
'Alias for RBC
Sub RWBR(strTheString)
RBC strTheString
End Sub
Sub RC(strTheString)
Response.Write strTheString & Chr(10)
End Sub
'This will not make a new line in the HTML file.
Sub RW(strTheString)
Response.Write strTheString
End Sub
Sub MinMax(ByVal dblNewValue, ByRef dblMax, ByRef dblMin)
If (dblNewValue > dblMax) Then
dblMax = dblNewValue
End If
If (dblNewValue < dblMin) Then
dblMin = dblNewValue
End If
End Sub
Function DaylightTime(strMRTime)
Dim strMRTime_DLS
If (strMRTime <> "-") Then
If (dayLightSavingsTime(strMRTime)) Then
strMRTime_DLS = DateAdd("h",1,strMRTime)
strMRTime_DLS = strMRTime
End If
strMRTime_DLS = "-"
End If
DaylightTime = strMRTime_DLS
End Function
Function AgeOfData(strMRTime)
If (strMRTime <> "-") Then
' The following line works mainly because strMRTime is in standard time. So no problem with HI.
AgeOfData = DateDiff("n", DaylightTime(strMRTime), Now()) + 60 * dicTZ.item(strTimeZone)
AgeOfData = "-"
End If
End Function
Function MinMaxFifteenMinData(strMode, strVariableName)
' Check to see if there is data for the specified field. And if there is,
' find either the max or min of the specified variable
strSQL = "Select " & strMode & "(" & strVariableName & ") AS TheExtreme From FifteenMinData WHERE ([StationName] = '" & strLocation & "') AND " & _
"([DateTimeStamp] <= #" & dteEndDateTime & "#) AND " & _
"([DateTimeStamp] >= #" & dteStartDateTime_forQuery & "#)"
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstMinMaxFifteenMinData
' Check for data (because sites don't have min max data on the temperature)
If (rstMinMaxFifteenMinData.RecordCount = 0) Then
MinMaxFifteenMinData = -999
MinMaxFifteenMinData = rstMinMaxFifteenMinData("TheExtreme")
End If
CloseRecordSet rstMinMaxFifteenMinData
End Function
Function DaysDecSinceRefF()
Dim dteRecordTime
Dim TheMin
If (intDays = 1) Then
TheMin = rstTelem("TimeMin")
TheMin = 0
End If
dteRecordTime = rstTelem("TimeMDY") + TimeSerial(rstTelem("TimeHr"), TheMin, 0)
DaysDecSinceRefF = CDbl( DateDiff("n", dteStartDateTime, dteRecordTime) ) / 1440
End Function
Function DaysDec( dteTime)
' 86400 = 24.0*60.0*60.0 (Seconds in a day).
' Decimal day as measured from the midnight start time.
'RWBR "dteTime = " & dteTime
DaysDec = CDbl( DateDiff("s", dteStartDateTime, dteTime) ) / 86400.0
End Function
Sub IPMessage()
Dim UserIPAddress
UserIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR")
If UserIPAddress = "" Then
UserIPAddress = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR")
End If
If (UserIPAddress = "") Then
'If (UserIPAddress = "") Then
RWBR "Message to " & UserIPAddress & ":"
RWBR "Eric, I'm guessing this IP address is you. I tried to email you a few days ago. It bounced back. Looks like you're no longer using this email address: [email protected]. You're one of Waconia's most frequent users and it would be good to be able to email you if I'm working on a problem. Let me know. I'll take this message off in a few days. Thanks, Jim ([email protected])"
End If
End Sub
Function DirectionLabel (WindDeg)
If (WindDeg > 345 And WindDeg <= 360) Then
DirectionLabel = "North"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 0 And WindDeg <= 15) Then
DirectionLabel = "North"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 15 And WindDeg <= 45) Then
DirectionLabel = "NNE"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 45 And WindDeg <= 75) Then
DirectionLabel = "ENE"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 75 And WindDeg <= 105) Then
DirectionLabel = "East"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 105 And WindDeg <= 135) Then
DirectionLabel = "ESE"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 135 And WindDeg <= 165) Then
DirectionLabel = "SSE"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 165 And WindDeg <= 195) Then
DirectionLabel = "South"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 195 And WindDeg <= 225) Then
DirectionLabel = "SSW"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 225 And WindDeg <= 255) Then
DirectionLabel = "WSW"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 255 And WindDeg <= 285) Then
DirectionLabel = "West"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 285 And WindDeg <= 315) Then
DirectionLabel = "WNW"
ElseIf (WindDeg > 315 And WindDeg <= 345) Then
DirectionLabel = "NNW"
DirectionLabel = "Var"
End If
If (WindDeg = 45) Then
DirectionLabel = "NE"
ElseIf (WindDeg = 135) Then
DirectionLabel = "SE"
ElseIf (WindDeg = 225) Then
DirectionLabel = "SW"
ElseIf (WindDeg = 315) Then
DirectionLabel = "NW"
End If
End Function
Sub AddHorizontalLine_gray(intLineWidth, intColor, dblYvalue)
Chart.AddSeries (5)
Chart.linewidth = intLineWidth
Chart.SeriesInLegend = false
'MyChartAddXY 0, dblYvalue, "", strColor
'MyChartAddXY intDays+1, dblYvalue, "", RGB(&hFF,&hFF,&hFF)
' The -0.009 extends the line all the way to the left edge of the 1-day chart.
MyChartAddXY -0.009, dblYvalue, "", RGB(intColor, intColor, intColor)
MyChartAddXY intDays+1.0, dblYvalue, "", RGB(intColor, intColor, intColor)
End Sub
Sub AddHorizontalLine_color(intLineWidth, intRed, intGreen, intBlue, dblYvalue)
Chart.AddSeries (5)
Chart.linewidth = intLineWidth
Chart.SeriesInLegend = false
MyChartAddXY -0.009, dblYvalue, "", RGB(intRed, intGreen, intBlue)
MyChartAddXY intDays+1.0, dblYvalue, "", RGB(intRed, intGreen, intBlue)
End Sub
Sub MyChartAddXY(dblXValue, dblYValue, strXLabel, intColor)
' Feed only NON-Null values to the AddXY method.
If (Not IsNull(dblYValue)) Then
Chart.AddXY dblXValue, dblYValue, strXLabel, intColor
End If
End Sub
Sub AddVerticalLine( dblXValue, intLineWidth)
Dim intColor, intGray, intColor_Red, intColor_Green, intColor_Blue
Chart.AddSeries (5)
Chart.linewidth = intLineWidth
Chart.SeriesInLegend = false
intGray = 75 ' 0 (black) to 255 (white)
intColor_Red = intGray
intColor_Green = intGray
intColor_Blue = intGray
intColor = RGB(intColor_Red, intColor_Green, intColor_Blue)
'intColor = vbBlack
MyChartAddXY dblXValue, Chart.VertAxisMin, "", intColor
MyChartAddXY dblXValue, Chart.VertAxisMax, "", intColor
End Sub
Sub UpdateTraceRecordSet_DeltaP(ByRef rstTelem, ByRef dicTraceIO)
Dim strWestSite, strEastSite
strWestSite = dicTraceIO.Item("WestSite")
strEastSite = dicTraceIO.Item("EastSite")
dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData_ForThisTrace") = False
If (intDays = 1) then
' This query uses an interesting trick to accomplish the delta-P
' calculation. It selects all the needed data from two sites and then
' groups it by time. It feeds the SUM operator with logic from the IIF
' operator. That is how the delta is calculated. The HAVING clause
' insures that only groups with a count of 2 are used.
' Get the most recent 24 hours of data. This modification of dteStartDateTime_forQuery is in support
' of the 24h plot.
If ((strMRTime <> "-") And (DaysDec(strMRTime) > 0.0) And (DaysDec(strMRTime) < 1.0) And (str24Hrs_state = "checked")) Then
dteStartDateTime_forQuery = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("n", 0, strMRTime))
End If
strSQL = "SELECT DateTimeStamp, TimeMDY, TimeHr, TimeMin, SUM(IIf([StationName]='" & strWestSite & "',+[Pressure],-[Pressure])) AS DeltaP " & _
"FROM FifteenMinData " & _
"WHERE ((StationName) In ('" & strWestSite & "','" & strEastSite & "')) AND " & _
" ([DateTimeStamp] <= #" & dteEndDateTime & "#) AND " & _
" ([DateTimeStamp] >= #" & dteStartDateTime_forQuery & "#) " & _
"GROUP BY DateTimeStamp, TimeMDY, TimeHr, TimeMin " & _
"HAVING (((Count(DateTimeStamp))=2)) " & _
strSQL = "SELECT DateTimeStamp, TimeMDY, TimeHr, TimeMin, SUM(IIf([StationName]='" & strWestSite & "',+[Pressure],-[Pressure])) AS DeltaP1 " & _
"FROM FifteenMinData " & _
"WHERE ((StationName) In ('" & strWestSite & "','" & strEastSite & "')) AND " & _
" ([DateTimeStamp] <= #" & dteEndDateTime & "#) AND " & _
" ([DateTimeStamp] >= #" & dteStartDateTime_forQuery & "#) " & _
"GROUP BY DateTimeStamp, TimeMDY, TimeHr, TimeMin " & _
"HAVING (((Count(DateTimeStamp))=2)) " & _
' And now we feed the query above into the aggregation query below
' (another interesting SQL trick).
strSQL = "SELECT TimeMDY, TimeHr, AVG(DeltaP1) AS DeltaP " & _
"FROM (" & strSQL & ") " & _
"GROUP BY TimeMDY, TimeHr " & _
End If
'RWBR dteStartDateTime_forQuery & "--------" & dteEndDateTime
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstTelem
If (Not rstTelem.BOF) Then
dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") = True
dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData_ForThisTrace") = True
End If
End Sub
Sub UpdateTraceRecordSet(ByVal strSensor_DBName, ByRef rstTelem, ByRef dicTraceIO)
Dim strSensorSelectClause
dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData_ForThisTrace") = False
If (intDays = 1) Then
'RWBR "Diff: Post-Now = " & DateDiff("h", dtePostedDate, Now())
If ((strMRTime <> "-") And (DaysDec(strMRTime) > 0.0) And (DaysDec( strMRTime) < 1.0) And (str24Hrs_state = "checked")) Then
' Go back a full day. This modification of dteStartDateTime_forQuery is in support
' of the 24h plot.
dteStartDateTime_forQuery = DateAdd("d", -1, DateAdd("n", 0, strMRTime))
End If
strSQL = "SELECT StationName, DateTimeStamp, TimeMDY, TimeMin, TimeHr, " & strSensor_DBName & " " & _
"FROM FifteenMinData " & _
"WHERE ([StationName] = '" & strLocation & "') AND " & _
"([DateTimeStamp] <= #" & dteEndDateTime & "#) AND " & _
"([DateTimeStamp] >= #" & dteStartDateTime_forQuery & "#) AND " & _
"(" & strSensor_DBName & " Is Not Null) " & _
If (strSensor_DBName = "TempMax") or (strSensor_DBName = "WindGust") Then
strSensorSelectClause = "MAX(A." & strSensor_DBName & ") AS " & strSensor_DBName
ElseIf (strSensor_DBName = "TempMin") Then
strSensorSelectClause = "MIN(A." & strSensor_DBName & ") AS " & strSensor_DBName
strSensorSelectClause = "AVG(A." & strSensor_DBName & ") AS " & strSensor_DBName
End If
strSQL = "SELECT TimeMDY, TimeHr, FIRST(A.StationName) AS StationName, AVG(A.DateTimeStamp) AS DateTimeStamp, " & strSensorSelectClause & " " & _
"FROM FifteenMinData AS A " & _
"WHERE ([StationName] = '" & strLocation & "') AND " & _
"([DateTimeStamp] <= #" & dteEndDateTime & "#) AND " & _
"([DateTimeStamp] >= #" & dteStartDateTime_forQuery & "#) AND " & _
"(" & strSensor_DBName & " Is Not Null) " & _
"GROUP BY TimeMDY, TimeHr " & _
End If
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstTelem
If (Not rstTelem.BOF) Then
dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") = True
dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData_ForThisTrace") = True
End If
End Sub
Sub AddTrace(strSensorName, dblYScaleFactor, intSeriesType, strSeriesTitle, intLineWidth, intColor, ByRef dicTraceIO)
Dim intTraceArray_index
Dim intYesterdayColor, intGray
Dim dblYMin, dblYMax, dblYValue, dblYValue_raw
Dim dblXValue, dblXValue_raw
Dim dblX_Previous, dblY_Previous
dblX_Previous = -999 : dblY_Previous = -999
If (strSensorName = "DeltaP") Then
UpdateTraceRecordSet_DeltaP rstTelem, dicTraceIO
UpdateTraceRecordSet strSensorName, rstTelem, dicTraceIO
End If
If (dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData_ForThisTrace") = False) Then
CloseRecordSet rstTelem
Exit Sub
End If
dblYMax = dicTraceIO.Item("YMax")
dblYMin = dicTraceIO.Item("YMin")
If intSeriesType = 6 Then
intGray = 200
intYesterdayColor = RGB(intGray,intGray,intGray)
intYesterdayColor = intColor
End If
'Instantiate the running averages in JavaScript.
instantiateRunningAverages( strSensorName)
If (intDays = 1) Then
'First plot yesterday's data.
Chart.AddSeries( intSeriesType)
Chart.SeriesInLegend = False
Chart.linewidth = 1
RA_y.reset( rstTelem.RecordCount)
RA_x.reset( rstTelem.RecordCount)
Do Until rstTelem.EOF
If Not IsNull( rstTelem( strSensorName)) Then
dblYValue_raw = CDbl(rstTelem( strSensorName))
dblXValue_raw = DaysDecSinceRefF()
' Do a running average if requested.
If (strRA_state = "checked") AND (rstTelem.RecordCount > 5) Then
dblYValue = RA_y.update( dblYValue_raw) * dblYScaleFactor
dblXValue = RA_x.update( dblXValue_raw)
dblYValue = dblYValue_raw * dblYScaleFactor
dblXValue = dblXValue_raw
End If
If (dblXValue < 0.0) Then
'Display yesterday's data on the current single-day plot.
'Add 1.0 to move these yesterday points onto today's plot.
MyChartAddXY dblXValue + 1.0, dblYValue, "", intYesterdayColor
MinMax dblYValue, dblYMax, dblYMin
'dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") = True
' Save a starter point for today's data trace.
dblX_Previous = dblXValue
dblY_Previous = dblYValue
'At the start of today's data, exit this first loop.
Exit Do
End If
End If
'Then start a new trace for today's data.
Chart.AddSeries( intSeriesType)
Chart.linewidth = intLineWidth
Chart.SeriesTitle = strSeriesTitle
'First, plot the last point from yesterday's data. This makes
'the trace lines visible for the first point of the day (2 points needed).
If dblX_Previous <> -999 Then
MyChartAddXY dblX_Previous, dblY_Previous, "", intColor
End If
Do Until rstTelem.EOF
If Not IsNull( rstTelem( strSensorName)) Then
dblYValue_raw = CDbl(rstTelem( strSensorName))
dblXValue_raw = DaysDecSinceRefF()
' Do a running average if requested.
If (strRA_state = "checked") AND (rstTelem.RecordCount > 5) Then
dblYValue = RA_y.update( dblYValue_raw) * dblYScaleFactor
dblXValue = RA_x.update( dblXValue_raw)
dblYValue = dblYValue_raw * dblYScaleFactor
dblXValue = dblXValue_raw
End If
MyChartAddXY dblXValue, dblYValue, "", intColor
MinMax dblYValue, dblYMax, dblYMin
'dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") = True
End If
' Multi-day charts.
ReDim dblTraceArray( rstTelem.recordcount - 1)
Chart.AddSeries( intSeriesType)
Chart.linewidth = intLineWidth
Chart.SeriesTitle = strSeriesTitle
intTraceArray_index = 0
' Reset the running average objects with each new trace.
RA_y.reset( rstTelem.RecordCount)
RA_x.reset( rstTelem.RecordCount)
Do Until rstTelem.EOF
If Not IsNull( rstTelem( strSensorName)) Then
dblYValue_raw = CDbl(rstTelem( strSensorName))
dblXValue_raw = DaysDecSinceRefF()
' Do a running average if requested.
If (strRA_state = "checked") AND (rstTelem.RecordCount > 5) Then
dblYValue = RA_y.update( dblYValue_raw) * dblYScaleFactor
dblXValue = RA_x.update( dblXValue_raw)
dblYValue = dblYValue_raw * dblYScaleFactor
dblXValue = dblXValue_raw
End If
' For these multi-day plots, use the Array approach to save some time.
dblTraceArray( intTraceArray_index) = Array( dblXValue, dblYValue, "", intColor)
intTraceArray_index = intTraceArray_index + 1
MinMax dblYValue, dblYMax, dblYMin
'dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") = True
End If
Chart.AddXYArray dblTraceArray
End If
' Note that this assignment can not be made in the call to MinMax. It can't modify the
' dictionary values directly (unless you passed it the whole dictionary).
dicTraceIO.Item("YMax") = dblYMax
dicTraceIO.Item("YMin") = dblYMin
CloseRecordSet rstTelem
End Sub
Sub PlotTheChart()
' Set the ContentType
'Response.ContentType = "image/JPEG"
' Instantiate the Chart component
Set Chart = Server.CreateObject ("ASPChart.Chart")
Chart.JPEGQuality = 80
Dim dblTraceArray, intTraceArray_index, dicTraceIO
' Use this to facilitate a general ByReference argument to the AddTrace subroutine.
Set dicTraceIO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicTraceIO.Add "YMax", -999
dicTraceIO.Add "YMin", 999
dicTraceIO.Add "FoundData", False
dicTraceIO.Add "FoundData_ForThisTrace", False
'Used for Delta-P calculations.
dicTraceIO.Add "WestSite", ""
dicTraceIO.Add "EastSite", ""
' Set dteStartDate_forLabels and dteStartDateTime for use in queries and chart labels...
dteStartDate_forLabels = DateAdd("d", (1 - intDays), dtePostedDate)
' The following is a somewhat clumsy way to deal with daylight savings time and
' timezone. Noteworthy here is the way that start and end times are shifted
' back during periods of daylight savings time. This, coupled with the way that
' points are plotted using a decimal day value that is calculated relative to
' the starting point AND using the standard time values that are in the
' database, has the net effect of shifting the standard to DLS values. It's all
' a bit confusing. Not completely sure why I originally did it this way.
' But one advantage is that when aggregating large amounts of data
' (like in the 25 day plot) each data point does not need to be converted. This
' is an efficiency that is probably not noticeable on recent computers (2015),
' but probably was worth considering when I first did this 20-some years ago.
dteStartDateTime = DateAdd("d", (1 - intDays), dtePostedDate)
dteEndDateTime = DateAdd("d", 1, dtePostedDate)
dteNowTime = DateAdd( "h", dicTZ.item(strTimeZone), Now())
If (blnDayLightSavingsTime) Then
dteNowTime = DateAdd("h", -1, dteNowTime)
If (strTimeZone <> "H") Then
dteStartDateTime = DateAdd("h", -1, dteStartDateTime)
dteEndDateTime = DateAdd("h", -1, dteEndDateTime)
End If
End If
' Initialize the start time for the queries. This will later get modified for the 24h
' versions of the 1-day charts.
dteStartDateTime_forQuery = dteStartDateTime
' Add a separate (pseudo) trace to do the x-axis labeling. Shift the y
' value by negative 200 so the points don't show on the plot. Also prevent
' it from showing in the legend.
' Have tried more direct methods of charting the labels as part of the data
' traces but always ran into problems. This somewhat indirect (but
' successful) method offers more control and is general for any numeric
' based x axis.
Chart.AddSeries (5)
Chart.linewidth = 0
Chart.SeriesTitle = " "
Chart.SeriesInLegend = False
If (intDays = 1) Then
TimeLabels = Array("12m","1","2","3","4","5","6am","7","8","9","10","11","12n","1","2","3","4","5","6pm","7","8","9","10","11","12m")
For intHour = 0 to 24
' The key difference in this dummy trace is that it has a parameter
' for the label. All the data traces below have an empty string in
' that position.
MyChartAddXY (CDbl(intHour)/24.0), 0 - 200, TimeLabels(intHour), vbWhite
' Make a special label trace (dummy) for multiple-day charts...
If (intDays >= 2) AND (intDays <= 4) Then
intLabelsPerDay = 4
ElseIf (intDays >= 5) AND (intDays <= 9) Then
intLabelsPerDay = 2
ElseIf (intDays >= 10) AND (intDays <= 25) Then
intLabelsPerDay = 1
' Shouldn't be able to get here...
End If
intXLabels = (intDays * intLabelsPerDay) + 1
' Dim the dynamic array...
ReDim strTimeLabels(intXLabels)
dblDaysIncrement = 1 / intLabelsPerDay
For intJ = 0 To intXLabels - 1
dblDaysFraction = intJ * dblDaysIncrement
' Put a Day label on the integer values (midnight)...
If (dblDaysFraction = Int(dblDaysFraction)) Then
dteLabelDate = DateAdd("d", Int(dblDaysFraction), dteStartDate_forLabels)
strTimeLabels(intJ) = Left(WeekDayName(WeekDay(dteLabelDate), True),2) & "-" & Day(dteLabelDate)
dblFractionalPart = dblDaysFraction - Int(dblDaysFraction)
If (dblFractionalPart = 0.50) Then
' Suppress the 12n marks for 7 though 9.
If (intDays <= 6) Then
strTimeLabels(intJ) = "12n"
strTimeLabels(intJ) = ""
End If
strTimeLabels(intJ) = "" 'CStr(dblDaysFraction)
End If
End If
' Plot the pseudo trace....
For intJ = 0 To intXLabels - 1
' The key difference in this pseudo trace is that it has a parameter
' for the label. All the data traces below have an empty string in
' that position.
MyChartAddXY intJ * dblDaysIncrement, 0 - 200, strTimeLabels(intJ), vbWhite
End If
' Populate trace(s) depending on the sensor or plot type...
If (left(strSensor,4) = "Wind") Then
intGray = 175
' Make horizontal lines for the compass points. Do this before adding the
' trace lines so data points will lay on top of this reference lines.
If (strSensor = "Wind36") Then
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 45 * dblWindNormFactor
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 135 * dblWindNormFactor
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 225 * dblWindNormFactor
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 315 * dblWindNormFactor
End If
' These are common to both Wind40 and Wind36
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 0 * dblWindNormFactor
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 90 * dblWindNormFactor
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 180 * dblWindNormFactor
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 270 * dblWindNormFactor
AddHorizontalLine_gray 1, intGray, 360 * dblWindNormFactor
AddTrace "WindDirection", dblWindNormFactor, 6, "Direction ", 3, vbWhite, dicTraceIO
AddTrace "WindGust", 1.0, 5, "Maximum Speed", 2, RGB(&h00,&h80,&h80), dicTraceIO
intMaxGust = dicTraceIO.Item("YMax")
AddTrace "WindSpeed", 1.0, 5, "Average Speed", 2, vbRed, dicTraceIO
If dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") Then
' To be consistent with the other sensor charts, putting these scale
' limits here, after the trace filling calls above.
Chart.VertAxisMin = 0.0 '-10
If (intMaxGust > 40) then
Chart.VertAxisMax = CDbl(intMaxGust)
Chart.VertAxisMax = 40.0
End If
Chart.AddAxisLabel 1, "Wind Speed (mph)"
If (intDays > 1) then
Chart.ChartTitleAdd " Wind at " & strNameForPlot
Chart.HorizAxisMin = 0.00
Chart.ChartTitleAdd " Wind at " & strNameForPlot & " on " & WeekDayName(WeekDay(dtePostedDate)) & " " & dtePostedDate
Chart.HorizAxisMin = 0.04
End If
' Use tweak of -4 if there is a carriage return after each image element
' in the div.
intPixelRightShift_tweak = -4
If (intDays >= 10) Then
Chart.Width = 1250 + 61 ' The 61 helps to get the days to line up with the temperature chart.
intPixelRightShift = -210 + intPixelRightShift_tweak - 3 ' The -3 is a secondary tweak needed after I added the 61 in the line above.
Chart.Width = 855
intPixelRightShift = -188 + intPixelRightShift_tweak
End If
' Set the chart height based on the y-axis maximum value. Scale up the
' plotting area by the ratio of intMaxGust/40.
intNonPlottingHeight = 75
If (intMaxGust > 40) then
Chart.Height = ((500 - intNonPlottingHeight) * (intMaxGust/40)) + intNonPlottingHeight
' This gets used in the style-sheet the positions the directions-overlay image.
intPixelBottomShift = Fix((intMaxGust * 0.320) - 11) 'This is always positive.
Chart.Height = 500
intPixelBottomShift = 0
End If
Chart.LeftAxisIncrement = 5
End If
ElseIf (strSensor = "Temperature") Then
' Do this one first. This one should return data for any type
' of temperature plot. If not, don't try the other parts.
AddTrace "TempAvg", 1, 5, "Dry Bulb", 2, vbRed, dicTraceIO
If dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") Then
If (MinMaxFifteenMinData("Min","TempMin") <> -999) Then
AddTrace "TempMin", 1, 5, " Min", 1, vbBlack, dicTraceIO
AddTrace "TempMax", 1, 5, " Max", 1, vbBlack, dicTraceIO
End If
If (MinMaxFifteenMinData("Min","DewPoint") <> -999) Then
AddTrace "DewPoint", 1, 5, "Dew Point", 2, RGB(&h00,&h80,&h80), dicTraceIO
End If
' Ongoing (overall) Min and Max values are collected in dicTraceIO as each trace
' generated.
sglTempMin = dicTraceIO("YMin")
sglTempMax = dicTraceIO("YMax")
sglTempRange = sglTempMax - sglTempMin
' To be consistent with the other sensor charts, putting these scale
' limits here, after the trace filling loop above. But seems to work
' either way here...
intTempDiffScalingThreshold = 40
intNonPlottingHeight = 108
If (sglTempRange < intTempDiffScalingThreshold) then
Chart.VertAxisMin = sglTempMin - ((intTempDiffScalingThreshold - sglTempRange)/2)
Chart.VertAxisMax = sglTempMax + ((intTempDiffScalingThreshold - sglTempRange)/2)
Chart.Height = 500
' The 0.2 keeps the max and min data from being obscured by the outer
' boundaries of the charting area.
Chart.VertAxisMin = sglTempMin - 0.2
Chart.VertAxisMax = sglTempMax + 0.2
Chart.Height = ((500 - intNonPlottingHeight) * (sglTempRange/intTempDiffScalingThreshold)) + intNonPlottingHeight
End If
Chart.LeftAxisIncrement = 5
' Y axis label
Chart.AddAxisLabel 1, "Temperature (F)"
If (intDays > 1) Then
Chart.ChartTitleAdd " Temperature at " & strNameForPlot
Chart.ChartTitleAdd " Temperature at " & strNameForPlot & " on " & WeekDayName(WeekDay(dtePostedDate)) & " " & dtePostedDate
End If
If (intDays >= 10) Then
Chart.Width = 1250
Chart.Width = 791 '780
End If
End If
ElseIf (strSensor = "Pressure") Then
' The Pressure Plot.
AddTrace "Pressure", 1.0, 5, "no trace label", 2, vbRed, dicTraceIO
If dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") Then
Chart.SeriesInLegend = False
sglPressureMin = dicTraceIO.Item("YMin")
sglPressureMax = dicTraceIO.Item("YMax")
Chart.AddAxisLabel 1, "Pressure (Inches Hg)"
If (intDays > 1) then
Chart.ChartTitleAdd " Barometer at " & strNameForPlot
Chart.ChartTitleAdd " Barometer at " & strNameForPlot & " on " & WeekDayName(WeekDay(dtePostedDate)) & " " & dtePostedDate
end If
' Note: these axis limits only work if they come after
' the chart filling loop above...
If (sglPressureMin < 29.42) then
Chart.VertAxisMin = sglPressureMin - 0.005
Chart.VertAxisMin = 29.41
End If
If (sglPressureMax > 30.42) then
Chart.VertAxisMax = sglPressureMax + 0.005
Chart.VertAxisMax = 30.43
End If
If (sglPressureMin = 0) then
Chart.VertAxisMin = -0.5
Chart.VertAxisMax = 0.5
End If
Chart.LeftAxisIncrement = 0.1
'Chart.AddAxisLabel 1, "Pressure (Inches Hg)"
Chart.Height = 500
If (intDays >= 10) Then
Chart.Width = 1128
Chart.Width = 685
End If
End If
ElseIf (Left(strSensor,6) = "DeltaP") Then
' The Delta-P plot.
' Add some horizontal lines
Chart.AddSeries (5)
Chart.linewidth = 2
Chart.SeriesInLegend = False
MyChartAddXY 0, 0, "", vbBlack
If (Request.QueryString("specName") = "") Then
MyChartAddXY intDays+1, 0, "", vbWhite
' Gray line (if request is for the 50Webs example chart page).
MyChartAddXY intDays+1, 0, "", RGB(&hB5,&hB5,&hB5)
End If
' Add the delta-P traces.
If (strSensor = "DeltaP1") Then
dicTraceIO("WestSite") = "PORTLAND"
dicTraceIO("EastSite") = "THE DALLES"
AddTrace "DeltaP", 1.0, 5, "Portland - The Dalles ", 2, RGB(&h00,&h80,&h80), dicTraceIO
dicTraceIO("WestSite") = "THE DALLES"
dicTraceIO("EastSite") = "PASCO"
AddTrace "DeltaP", 1.0, 5, "The Dalles - Pasco", 2, vbRed, dicTraceIO
ElseIf (strSensor = "DeltaP2") Then
dicTraceIO("WestSite") = "KTTD"
dicTraceIO("EastSite") = "KDLS"
AddTrace "DeltaP", 1.0, 5, "Troutdale - The Dalles", 2, RGB(&h00,&h80,&h80), dicTraceIO
dicTraceIO("WestSite") = "KDLS"
dicTraceIO("EastSite") = "KHRI"
AddTrace "DeltaP", 1.0, 5, "The Dalles - Hermiston", 2, vbRed, dicTraceIO
' dicTraceIO("WestSite") = "KTTD"
' dicTraceIO("EastSite") = "KHRI"
' AddTrace "DeltaP", 1.0, 5, "Troutdale - Hermiston", 2, vbBlue, dicTraceIO
End If
If dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") Then
' Force limits on the Y axis for the Delta-P chart. Note: these must come
' after the trace filling calls above...
dblDPmin = dicTraceIO("YMin")
dblDPmax = dicTraceIO("YMax")
If (dblDPmin < -0.08) Then
Chart.VertAxisMin = dblDPmin - .001
Chart.VertAxisMin = -0.08
End If
If (dblDPmax > 0.18) Then
Chart.VertAxisMax = dblDPmax + 0.001
Chart.VertAxisMax = 0.18
End If
If (intDays > 1) Then
Chart.ChartTitleAdd "Delta-P"
Chart.ChartTitleAdd "Delta-P on " & WeekDayName(WeekDay(dtePostedDate)) & " " & dtePostedDate
End If
Chart.LeftAxisIncrement = 0.05
Chart.AddAxisLabel 1, "Pressure Differential (Inches Hg)"
If (intDays >= 10) Then
Chart.Width = 1270
Chart.Width = 875
End If
' Scale the height of the image if the y range is larger than the default of 0.26.
intNonPlottingHeight = 90
If ((Chart.VertAxisMax - Chart.VertAxisMin) > 0.26) Then
Chart.Height = ((510 - intNonPlottingHeight) * ((Chart.VertAxisMax - Chart.VertAxisMin)/0.26)) + intNonPlottingHeight
Chart.Height = 510
End If
End If
' Shouldn't ever get here...
'RBC "No data or no match found for the specified sensor type."
End If
' Control chart axes and labeling...
' (This is done for every type of plot)
If dicTraceIO.Item("FoundData") Then
' Plot the LatestRecord and the NOW lines.
If ((intDays = 1) and (str24Hrs_state = "checked")) Then
AddVerticalLine DaysDec( strMRTime), 1
AddVerticalLine DaysDec( dteNowTime), 1
End If
Chart.HorizAxisMax = intDays
Chart.ShowMinorTicks false, false
If (intDays > 1) then
' Set Horizontal Axis Label Style to: Axis Scales (2)
Chart.HLabelStyle = 0
If (blnDayLightSavingsTime And (strTimeZone <> "H")) Then
Chart.AddAxisLabel 2, "Days Starting with " & WeekDayName(WeekDay(dteStartDate_forLabels)) & " " & FormatDateTime(dteStartDate_forLabels, vbShortDate) & " (" & strTimeZone & "DT)"
Chart.AddAxisLabel 2, "Days Starting with " & WeekDayName(WeekDay(dteStartDate_forLabels)) & " " & FormatDateTime(dteStartDate_forLabels, vbShortDate) & " (" & strTimeZone & "ST)"
End If
Chart.HorizAxisMin = 0.0
' Set Horizontal Axis Label Style to: Automatic (0)
Chart.HLabelStyle = 0
If (blnDayLightSavingsTime And (strTimeZone <> "H")) Then
Chart.AddAxisLabel 2, "Hour of the Day (" & strTimeZone & "DT)"
Chart.AddAxisLabel 2, "Hour of the Day (" & strTimeZone & "ST)"
End If
' Make a little more room on the y axis for the last point from yesterday. The
' square boxes (markers) for the direction trace enforce a little more room on
' their own, so the non-wind plots require a little more wiggle room on each
' end of the x-axis.
If (left(strSensor,4) = "Wind") Then
Chart.HorizAxisMin = -0.001
Chart.HorizAxisMax = intDays + 0.001
'Chart.HorizAxisMin = 0.00
Chart.HorizAxisMin = -0.003
Chart.HorizAxisMax = intDays + 0.003
End If
End If
Chart.ChartTitleFont.Size = 16
Chart.ChartTitleFont.Name = "Arial"
'Chart.ChartTitleFontColor = vbBlue
Chart.ChartTitleFontColor = RGB(&h00,&h80,&h80)
Chart.LegendFont.Size = 10
Chart.AxisLabelFontBottom.Size = 10
Chart.AxisLabelFontLeft.Size = 10
Chart.BevelOuter = false
If (Request.QueryString("specName") <> "") Then
Chart.GradientVisible = false
Chart.GradientVisible = true
End If
Chart.GradientStartColor = RGB(&hff,&hcc,&h99)
Chart.GradientEndColor = vbWhite
Chart.PanelColor = vbWhite
Chart.View3D = false
Chart.LegendVisible = true
Chart.LegendStyle = 1
' Set the filename, save the image and write the image tag.
' Do this with sessionID and random name generated via the
' FileSystemObject. First make a string with a random name in it. Use
' split here to get rid of the txt extension that normally is returned.
strRandomNameString = Split(Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetTempName,".")(0)
If (Request.QueryString("specName") <> "") Then
strFileName2 = Request.QueryString("specName") & ".jpg"
strFileName2 = "S" & "_" & Session.SessionID & "_" & strRandomNameString & ".jpg"
End If
'Response.Write "filename = " & strPathToImageDir & strFileName2
Chart.FileName = strPathToImageDir & strFileName2
'Response.Write "path = " & strPathToImageDir & strFileName2
' Put these two images into a DIV element that doesn't wrap! Then
' position the directions overlay relative to the original chart image.
RC "<div style=""white-space:nowrap;"">"
RC "<img id='chartimage' style=""visibility:hidden"" src=" & strURLPathToImageDir & strFileName2 & "'>"
If (strSensor = "Wind40") Then
RC "<img id='directions' src='pictures/directions_40.gif' style=""visibility:hidden; position:relative; left:" & intPixelRightShift & "px; bottom:" & _
intPixelBottomShift & "px"">"
ElseIf (strSensor = "Wind36") Then
RC "<img id='directions' src='pictures/directions_36.gif' style=""visibility:hidden; position:relative; left:" & intPixelRightShift & "px; bottom:" & _
intPixelBottomShift & "px"">"
' Could add secondary images for other sensors types here...
End If
RC "</div>"
' Destroy the object
Set Chart = nothing
Response.Write "The query has returned no data for the selected sensor and location."
End If
End Sub
Function TimeZone( strStationName)
strSQL = "SELECT StationNames.StationName, StationNames.NickName, StationNames.TimeZone FROM StationNames " & _
"WHERE ([StationName]='" & strStationName & "') "
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstTimeZone
If (rstTimeZone.RecordCount = 0) Then
TimeZone = "?"
TimeZone = rstTimeZone("TimeZone")
End If
CloseRecordSet rstTimeZone
End Function
Function RegionString( strRegion)
If (strRegion = "MN") Then
RegionString = "Minnesota Weather"
ElseIf (strRegion = "CR") Then
RegionString = "Columbia Basin Weather"
ElseIf (strRegion = "Misc") Then
RegionString = "Misc. Weather Stations"
RWBR "No match when branching on Region."
End If
End Function
' Main program body (start here and execute every time in)
' Build the page
<meta name='Author' content='James D. (Jim) Miller'>
<meta name='keywords'
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<!-- Icon for browsers using Waconia. -->
<link rel='SHORTCUT ICON' href='pictures/favicon.ico'>
<title>Waconia Weather Database</title>
TD {font-family: Times;}
TD.data {font-family: Arial;}
A {color:#008080; text-decoration:underline}
A:hover {color:#008080; text-decoration:none; background:#FFF1E3}
A.noline {color:#008080; text-decoration:none; font-size:18pt; font-weight:bolder; }
A.noline:hover {color:#008080; text-decoration:underline; font-size:18pt; font-weight:bolder; background:#FFCC99}
span.regionstring {color:#008080; font-size:18pt; font-weight:bolder;}
div.pageblock {min-width: 650px; max-width: 1000px;}
<!--[if IE]>
div.pageblock {width: expression(document.body.clientWidth > 1000? "1000px": "auto" )};
' Connect to the database.
OpenDataConnection DBConnection, strConnectionString
Set dicTZ = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
dicTZ.Add "H", -4
dicTZ.Add "AK", -3
dicTZ.Add "P", -2
dicTZ.Add "M", -1
dicTZ.Add "C", 0
dicTZ.Add "E", 1
dicTZ.Add "J", 15
dicTZ.Add "NZ", 18
serverTimeArray = split(Now()," ")
serverTime = serverTimeArray(1)
' Establish defaults
' Region_state (hidden) is used to facilitate changing the location to a default value
' when the region is changed.
If (Request.QueryString("Region_state") = "") Then
strRegionState = "new"
strRegionState = Request.QueryString("Region_state")
End If
If (Request.QueryString("Region") = "") Then
strRegion = "CR"
strRegion = Request.QueryString("Region")
End If
If (Request.QueryString("chk24Hrs") = "on") Then
str24Hrs_state = "checked"
str24Hrs_state = ""
End If
If (Request.QueryString("chkRA") = "on") Then
strRA_state = "checked"
strRA_state = ""
End If
If (Request.QueryString("chkTimer") = "on") Then
strTimer_state = "checked"
strTimer_state = ""
End If
If (strTimer_state = "checked") Then
'Check to see how far off the 5-minute mark. This should serve
'to compensate for the drift in the client side timer.
'Get the seconds and minutes from the server time.
intSeconds_FromSeconds = CInt(right(serverTime,2))
intMinutes = CInt(Split(serverTime,":")(1))
'How many five minute chunks.
dblFiveMinutes = CDbl(intMinutes)/5.0
'Take the fractional part of this and convert to seconds.
intSeconds_FromMinutes = CInt(round(300*(dblFiveMinutes - Fix(dblFiveMinutes)),0))
'Subtract both of these values from 300 to get the proper delay for the client.
'Then add 9 to keep it tracking at 10 seconds after the 5-minute mark.
intDelay_to_5min = 300 - intSeconds_FromMinutes - intSeconds_FromSeconds + 9
strInitializeTimer = "initializeTimer(" & CStr(intDelay_to_5min) & ");"
strInitializeTimer = ""
End If
blnPostedDate_default = False
If (Request.QueryString("EndDate") = "") Then
' Use the current date for a default.
dtePostedDate = CStr(Date())
blnPostedDate_default = True
' Split to just get the DATE part of this post.
dtePostedDate = split(Request.QueryString("EndDate")," ")(0)
End If
If (Request.QueryString("Days") = "") Then
intDays = 1
intDays = Request.QueryString("Days")
End If
If (Request.QueryString("Sensor") = "") Then
strSensor = "Wind40"
strSensor = Request.QueryString("Sensor")
' Don't allow request for Delta-P from any region but CR.
If (strRegion <> "CR") And (strSensor = "DeltaP") Then
strSensor = "Wind40"
End If
End If
' Set the normalization factor for the wind direction data
If (strSensor = "Wind40") Then
dblWindNormFactor = 40.0 / 360.0
dblWindNormFactor = 1.0 / 10.0
End If
' Set a default value for the location if the first time in or if the user changes
' the region.
If ((Request.QueryString("Location") = "") or (strRegionState = "new")) Then
If (strRegion = "CR") Then
strLocation = "PASC"
ElseIf (strRegion = "MN") Then
strLocation = "KMKT"
ElseIf (strRegion = "Misc") Then
strLocation = "KCQX"
strLocation = ""
RWBR "No match in region branch..."
End If
strLocation = Request.QueryString("Location")
End If
If ((strSensor = "Wind40") OR (strSensor = "Wind36")) Then
strShowImages_command = "showImage();showDirections();"
strShowImages_command = "showImage();"
End If
strTimeZone = TimeZone( strLocation)
RC "<body onLoad='testJS();" & strShowImages_command & strInitializeTimer & _
"' bgcolor=#FFCC99 link='#008080' vlink='#008080' topmargin='2' style='font-family: Arial;'>"
RC "<div class='pageblock'>"
' If the region is specified, then make preparations for populating the table
' including getting the most recent values for all the sensor data.
If (Request.QueryString("Region") <> "") Then
' If the end date in the chart request is within daylight savings time, then
' set the DLS flag. Add 3 hours to make sure you evaluate the day after the
' 2am change over point.
If (dayLightSavingsTime(dateadd("h",3,dtePostedDate))) Then blnDayLightSavingsTime = True
' Get a recordset for the most recent data (to put into the table on
' the charting page). For speed, start by querying in the most recent 24 hours of data.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM FifteenMinData " & _
"WHERE ([StationName] = '" & strLocation & "') AND " & _
"([DateTimeStamp] >= #" & dateAdd("h",-24,now()) & "#) " & _
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstMostRecent
' If there's no data within the last 24 hours, search the whole database and find the latest timestamp.
If (rstMostRecent.BOF) Then
' Find the time of the most recent station record.
strSQL = "SELECT MAX(DateTimeStamp) as maxDateTime FROM FifteenMinData " & _
"WHERE ([StationName] = '" & strLocation & "')"
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstLatestDate
dteMaxTimeStamp = rstLatestDate("maxDateTime")
CloseRecordSet rstLatestDate
' Build a recordset for getting the most recent record to
' put into the table on the charting page.
strSQL = "SELECT * FROM FifteenMinData " & _
"WHERE ([StationName] = '" & strLocation & "') AND " & _
" ([DateTimeStamp] = #" & FormatDateTime(dteMaxTimeStamp, vbGeneralDate) & "#) "
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstMostRecent
End If
' If a default value was used for the posted date, correct it if the posted date
' is more recent than the most recent data.
'RWBR "Default=" & dtePostedDate & ", MostRecent=" & rstMostRecent("TimeMDY")
If blnPostedDate_default and (DateDiff("d", dtePostedDate, rstMostRecent("TimeMDY")) < 0) Then
dtePostedDate = rstMostRecent("TimeMDY")
End If
' Check to see if there are any records before applying the MoveFirst method
If (Not rstMostRecent.BOF) Then
'Warning: this variable changes type here.
strMRTime = rstMostRecent("TimeMDY") & " " & rstMostRecent("TimeHr") & ":" & rstMostRecent("TimeMin")
strMRTime = FormatDateTime(strMRTime, vbGeneralDate)
If (rstMostRecent("WindDirection") = -10) then
strMRWindDir = "Variable"
If IsNull(rstMostRecent("WindDirection")) Then
strMRWindDir = "-"
strMRWindDir = rstMostRecent("WindDirection") & _
" deg. [" & DirectionLabel(rstMostRecent("WindDirection")) & "]" & _
" [" & FormatNumber(rstMostRecent("WindDirection") * dblWindNormFactor, 1) & "]"
End If
End If
If IsNull(rstMostRecent("WindSpeed")) Then
strMRWindAvg = "-"
strMRWindMax = "-"
strMRWindAvg = rstMostRecent("WindSpeed")
strMRWindMax = rstMostRecent("WindGust")
End If
If IsNull(rstMostRecent("Pressure")) Then
strMRPressure = "-"
strMRPressure = round(rstMostRecent("Pressure"),2)
End If
strMRTemp = rstMostRecent("TempAvg")
If (IsNull(strMRTemp)) Then
strMRTemp = "-"
End If
strMRDewPoint = rstMostRecent("DewPoint")
If (IsNull(strMRDewPoint)) Then
strMRDewPoint = "-"
End If
strMRTime = "-"
strMRWindDir = "-"
strMRWindAvg = "-"
strMRWindMax = "-"
strMRTemp = "-"
strMRPressure = "-"
strMRDewPoint = "-"
End If
CloseRecordSet rstMostRecent
strButtonLabel = "Update"
dtePostedDate = ""
' Before first post (first time in) just show these dashes in the table...
strMRTime = "-"
strMRWindDir = "-"
strMRWindAvg = "-"
strMRWindMax = "-"
strMRTemp = "-"
strMRPressure = "-"
strMRDewPoint = "-"
strButtonLabel = "Chart"
End if
'IP message to a particular user.
'RWBR "Debug Message = " & strDebugMessage
' The current data table and CONTROLS form...
RC "<table border='1'>"
' First row
RC "<tr>"
RC "<td class='data' width='37%' rowspan='3'>"
'RC "<p align='center'><a onmouseover=""changeRegionAnchorValue('" & strRegion & "')"" onmouseout=""changeRegionAnchorValue('" & strTitle & "')"" name='regionanchor' id='regionanchor' class='noline' href='" & strRegionURL & "'>" & strTitle & "</a> <br>"
RC "<p align='center'><span class='regionstring'>" & RegionString( strRegion) & "</span><br>"
RC "<a target='_blank' href='http://waconia.timetocode.org/FAQ.htm'><font size='2' color='#FF0000'>Help</font>" & _
"<font size='2' color='#008080'>: FAQs</font></a> "
If (strRegion = "MN") Then
RC "<a href='pictures/mn_sites.jpg'><font size='2' color='#008080'>Sites</font></a> "
End If
RC "<a href='default.htm'><font size='2'>(home)</font></a>"
' Create a object for working with the image files...
Set fsoObject = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
' Note: path to image directory is defined in include file.
Set fdrObject = fsoObject.GetFolder(strPathToImageDir)
' Clean out any old temp image files. This is a new approach that doesn't depend on script in the global ASA
intFileCount = 0
For Each filObject in fdrObject.Files
' Count files that are less than 1 day old.
If (DateDiff("h", filObject.DateLastModified, Now()) <= 24) Then
intFileCount = intFileCount + 1
End If
' Delete files that are more than three days old.
If (DateDiff("h", filObject.DateLastModified, Now()) > 72) Then
End If
' Write out a count of image files in the directory (1 and 7 day counts).
' Put the serverTime in a span so can access it from the client (if needed, may not actually use this).
RC "<font color='#008080' size='1'>" & _
" " & intFileCount & "-(1d) " & fdrObject.Files.Count & "-(3d) " & _
"<span id='spServerTime' name='spServerTime'>" & serverTime & "</span>" & _
" (" & AgeOfData(strMRTime) & ")" & _
"</font>" & _
RC "</td>"
' Rest of the table headers
RC "<td width='23%' align='center' rowspan='2'><b><font color='#FF0000'>Latest</font>"
RC "<font color='#008080'> Reading"
RC "</font></b>"
RC "</td>"
RC "<td width='26%' align='center' colspan='3'><font color='#008080'><b>Wind </b><font size='2'> (mph)</font></font></td>"
RC "<td nowrap width='6%' align='center' colspan='2' rowspan='1'><font color='#008080'><b>Temp</b><font size='2'> (<sup>o</sup>F)</font></font></td>"
RC "<td width='8%' align='center' rowspan='2'><font color='#008080'><b>Pressure<br></b><font size='2'> (in Hg" & strHGSL & ")</font></font></td>"
RC "</tr>"
' Second row
RC "<tr>"
RC "<td width='6%' align='center'><font color='#008080' size='2'>Avg</font></td>"
RC "<td width='5%' align='center'><font color='#008080' size='2'>Max</font></td>"
RC "<td width='18%' align='center'><font color='#008080' size='2'>Direction</font></td>"
RC "<td align='center'><font color='#008080' size='2'>DryBulb</font></td>"
RC "<td align='center'><font color='#008080' size='2'>DewPoint</font></td>"
RC "</tr>"
' Third row
RC "<tr>"
RC "<td class='data' width='20%' align='center'><font color='#000000' size='2'>"
If (strMRTime <> "-") Then
If (dayLightSavingsTime(strMRTime) And (strTimeZone <> "H")) Then
Response.Write DateAdd("h",1,strMRTime) & " (" & strTimeZone & "DT)"
Response.Write strMRTime & " (" & strTimeZone & "ST)"
End If
Response.Write strMRTime
End If
RC "</font></td>"
RC "<td class='data' width='6%' align='center'><font color='#000000' size='2'>" & strMRWindAvg & "</font></td>"
RC "<td class='data' width='5%' align='center'><font color='#000000' size='2'>" & strMRWindMax & "</font></td>"
RC "<td class='data' width='18%' align='center'><font color='#000000' size='2'>" & strMRWindDir & "</font></td>"
RC "<td class='data' width='6%' align='center'><font color='#000000' size='2'>" & strMRTemp & "</font></td>"
RC "<td class='data' width='6%' align='center'><font color='#000000' size='2'>" & strMRDewPoint & "</font></td>"
RC "<td class='data' width='8%' align='center'><font color='#000000' size='2'>" & strMRPressure & "</font></td>"
RC "</tr>"
RC "</table>"
' Build a line of controls
RC "<br>"
' Note that the GET method invokes the QueryString approach and submits form data in the URL.
RC "<form method='GET' accept-charset='utf-8' action='rosy.asp' name='ChartingParameters' id='ChartingParameters'>"
' Removing the "name" parameter here avoids submitting this with the form.
' Another option is to use "button" instead of "input".
' The submit button.
'RC "<...........................................name='submit_button'>"
RC "<input type='button' title='Query the database and update the plot.' value='" & strButtonLabel & "' name='myButton' id='myButton' style='width: 90px' onclick='submitform()'>"
' Region
RC "<select title='Region' size='1' name='Region' id='Region' onChange='setRegionState()'>"
arrRegions = Array("MN","CR","Misc")
For each strRegionValue in arrRegions
If (strRegionValue = strRegion) Then
RC " <option selected>" & strRegionValue
RC " <option>" & strRegionValue
End If
RC "</select>"
' A hidden field that serves to indicate whether a new region has been selected. This is needed
' for determining the default location if the region selection changes.
RC "<input type='hidden' name='Region_state' id= 'Region_state' value='old'>"
' Location
'RWBR "strRegion = " & strRegion & ", RS= " & Request.QueryString("Region_state") & ", " & "Request.QueryString('Location') = " & Request.QueryString("Location") & ", strLocation = " & strLocation
RC "<select title='Location of weather station' size='1' name='Location' id='Location' onChange='submitform()'>"
strSQL = "SELECT StationNames.Priority, StationNames.StationName, StationNames.NickName FROM StationNames " & _
"WHERE ([Region]='" & strRegion & "') " & _
"ORDER BY Priority, NickName"
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstStations
Do until rstStations.eof
' Exclude inactive stations from the selection list (marked as "skip" in the database).
If (InStr(rstStations("Priority"),"skip")=0) Then
'Populate the list and set the selected station for the two regions.
If (rstStations("StationName") = strLocation) Then
strNameForPlot = rstStations("NickName")
RC " <option value='" & rstStations("StationName") & "' selected>" & rstStations("NickName")
RC " <option value='" & rstStations("StationName") & "'>" & rstStations("NickName")
End If
End If
CloseRecordSet rstStations
RC "</select>"
' Click for next location.
RC "<INPUT title='Click to step through the list of locations.' type='button' style='WIDTH:18px; HEIGHT:23px; COLOR:black; padding-left:3px;' value='>' id='btnStepLocationForward' name='btnStepLocationForward' onClick='stepLocationForward()'>"
' Sensor type
RC "<select title='Sensor type' size='1' name='Sensor' id='Sensor' onChange='submitform()'>"
WeatherTypes = Array("Wind (0-36)", "Wind (0-40)", "Temperature", "Pressure", "Delta-P1", "Delta-P2")
WeatherTypes_URL = Array("Wind36", "Wind40", "Temperature", "Pressure", "DeltaP1" , "DeltaP2")
WeatherTypes_count = UBound(WeatherTypes)
' Don't offer the Delta-P plot anywhere but in the Columbia Basin.
If (strRegion <> "CR") then
WeatherTypes_count = WeatherTypes_count - 2
End If
For intJ = 0 to WeatherTypes_count
If ((WeatherTypes_URL(intJ)= strSensor) OR ((strSensor = "") AND (WeatherTypes_URL(intJ)= "Wind40"))) Then
RC " <option selected value=" & WeatherTypes_URL(intJ) & " >" & WeatherTypes(intJ)
RC " <option value=" & WeatherTypes_URL(intJ) & " >" & WeatherTypes(intJ)
End If
RC "</select>"
' Select the last day.
RC "<select title='Last day' size='1' name='EndDate' id='EndDate' onChange='submitform()'>"
strSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT DaysGleaned.TimeMDY FROM DaysGleaned ORDER BY DaysGleaned.TimeMDY DESC"
' See IIShelp for description of parameters: Open Method (Recordset - ADO).
' The AdCmdText just tells it that it is a SQL string in the first parameter.
' Alternatively you could tell it that the first parameter is a table name...
PopulateStaticRecordset DBConnection, strSQL, rstDate
do until rstDate.eof
' Coerce the date object to a string by using the (& "")
If ((dtePostedDate = (rstDate("TimeMDY") & "")) OR ((dtePostedDate = "") AND (rstDate("TimeMDY") = Date()))) then
RC " <option selected>" & rstDate("TimeMDY") & " " & weekdayname(weekday(rstDate("TimeMDY")),True)
RC " <option>" & rstDate("TimeMDY") & " " & weekdayname(weekday(rstDate("TimeMDY")),True)
End If
CloseRecordSet rstDate
RC "</select>"
' Select the time range.
RC " <font color='#008080'>Days:</font>"
RC "<select title='Time range' size='1' name='Days' id='Days' onChange='submitform()'>"
DaysChoices = Array("1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9","10","14","25")
For each DayValue in DaysChoices
If (DayValue = intDays) Then
RC " <option selected>" & DayValue
RC " <option>" & DayValue
End If
RC "</select>"
' Time steppers
RC "<INPUT title='Click to step back in time.' type='button' style='WIDTH: 18px; HEIGHT: 23px; COLOR: black; padding-left:3px;' value='<' id='btnStepBack' name='btnStepBack' onClick='stepBack()'>"
RC "<INPUT title='Click to step forward in time.' type='button' style='WIDTH: 18px; HEIGHT: 23px; COLOR: black; padding-left:3px;' value='>' id='btnStepForward' name='btnStepForward' onClick='stepForward()'>"
' The 24-Hour charting option.
RC " " & _
"<input " & str24Hrs_state & " type='checkbox' name='chk24Hrs' " & _
"title='Select to display 24 hours of the most recent data (including data from yesterday) on the 1-day chart. " & _
"Please refer to the FAQ on the ""24h"" checkbox.' " & _
"onClick='submitform()'/>" & _
"<font size='2' color='#008080'>24h</font>"
' The Running-average option
RW "" & _
"<input " & strRA_state & " type='checkbox' name='chkRA' " & _
"title='Select to apply a running average to all the data.' " & _
"onClick='submitform()'/>" & _
"<font size='2' color='#008080'>RA</font>"
' The timer for auto-plots
RW " " & _
"<input " & strTimer_state & " type='checkbox' name='chkTimer' " & _
"title='Select to enable a repeating 5-minute countdown timer. This is synchronized with the server to trigger a chart update immediately after " & _
"the database has been updated.' " & _
If (strTimer_state = "checked") Then
' The space in the span is needed for an initial value. The client-sided JavaScript changes this value
' every second.
strTimer_value = " "
strTimer_value = "Timer"
End If
RW "<span id='spTimerSec' name='spTimerSec' style='color:#008080; font-size:10pt;'>" & strTimer_value & "</span>"
' A hidden field that serves to test if the client has JavaScript enabled. Some script will
' try to change this value from F to T.
RC "<input type='hidden' name='jS' id='jS' value='F'>"
RC "</form>"
If (Request.QueryString("jS") = "F") Then
RBC "JavaScript is needed to use the charting controls and view a chart image."
RBC ""
RBC "Please enable JavaScript in your web browser. If you enable JavaScript, this warning"
RBC "will clear after your second click of the press-to-chart button."
RBC ""
RBC "Note that requesting a chart update before the previous chart has completed is another"
RBC "possible cause for this error message. Please wait until the image returns from the"
RBC "server."
' If the region has been specified in the query, then plot the chart.
If ((Request.QueryString("Region") <> "") and (strMRTime <> "-")) Then
RWBR "The query has returned no data for the selected sensor and location."
End If
End If
' Close connection to the database
CloseDataConnection DBConnection
'RBC "Testing"
'RBC "Date = " & Request.QueryString("EndDate")
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=javascript RUNAT=Server>
// Server Side Scripting in JavaScript
// Running average prototype (a class)
function RunningAverage( n_StackSize){
this.queue = [];
this.n_StackSize = n_StackSize;
this.recordCount = 0;
this.recordIndex = 0;
this.reset = function( recordCount){
this.queue = [];
this.recordIndex = 0;
this.recordCount = recordCount;
this.update = function( newValue){
var total = 0;
var n_FromEnd = 0;
var average = 0;
this.recordIndex = this.recordIndex + 1;
//Add one to the top.
this.queue.push( newValue);
//Scrape one off the bottom.
if (this.queue.length > this.n_StackSize) {
//Response.write("Normal: one from bottom.<br>");
// As the record index approaches the end of the recordset, gradually turn
// off the running average (empty out the bottom of the queue). This causes
// the last value in the running average to equal the latest reading.
//Hmmmm, the need for this "+ 1" here is a nagging mystery.
n_FromEnd = (this.recordCount + 1) - this.recordIndex;
if (n_FromEnd == this.n_StackSize-2) {
// Take only one (additional) off.
//Response.write("Special: one from bottom.<br>");
//} else if ((n_FromEnd >= 0) && (n_FromEnd < this.n_StackSize-2)){
} else if (n_FromEnd < this.n_StackSize-2){
// Take two off the bottom (because the normal bottom scraping won't
// be triggered as the queue size diminishes).
//Response.write("Special: two from bottom.<br>");
//Sum the values.
for (var i in this.queue) {
total += this.queue[i];
average = total / this.queue.length;
// Debug statements.
//Response.write("--New=" + newValue + "--T=" + total + "--L=" + this.queue.length + "--A=" + average +
// "--n_FEnd=" + n_FromEnd + "--Index=" + this.recordIndex + "---RC=" + this.recordCount + "<br>\n");
return average;
// Running average prototype for direction data (using components);
function RunningAverage_Dir( n_StackSize){
this.n_StackSize = n_StackSize;
// Instantiate a running average for each of the components.
this.RA_x = new RunningAverage( n_StackSize);
this.RA_y = new RunningAverage( n_StackSize);
this.reset = function( recordCount){
this.RA_x.reset( recordCount);
this.RA_y.reset( recordCount);
this.update = function( newDir_deg){
// Determine the components of a unit vector at the specified direction
// in radians.
var x = Math.cos( newDir_deg * (Math.PI/180.0) );
var y = Math.sin( newDir_deg * (Math.PI/180.0) );
// Add each component to a the running average.
var x_avg = this.RA_x.update( x);
var y_avg = this.RA_y.update( y);
// Determine the average angle from the running averages of the components.
var averageDir_deg = Math.atan2( y_avg, x_avg) * (180.0/Math.PI);
// Transform the output so that all directions are positive.
if (averageDir_deg < 0) {
var averageDir_deg_corrected = averageDir_deg + 360.0;
} else {
var averageDir_deg_corrected = averageDir_deg + 0.0;
return averageDir_deg_corrected;
function instantiateRunningAverages( traceName){
// Make two running average objects for the chart, each a 3-point average.
// Set the number of points in the running average.
var nPoints = 3;
// These instantiated objects have global scope if the "var" word is not used
// in the assignment.
RA_x = new RunningAverage( nPoints);
// Use a special running average for the wind-direction data.
if (traceName == 'WindDirection') {
RA_y = new RunningAverage_Dir( nPoints);
} else {
RA_y = new RunningAverage( nPoints);
// This function determines if the supplied date is within daylight savings time.
// It does this by comparing the difference between local time and GMT. This difference
// is 5 hours (in the central time zone) during daylight savings time.
function dayLightSavingsTime( dateToCheck ){
var dateObjectToCheck = new Date( dateToCheck);
// Return true/false
return (dateObjectToCheck.getTimezoneOffset() == 5*60);
<!-- Client side script -->
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="javascript">
var cP = document.getElementById('ChartingParameters');
var cmbEndDate = document.getElementById('EndDate');
var cmbDays = document.getElementById('Days');
var cmbLocation = document.getElementById('Location');
var stepIncrement = cmbDays.options[cmbDays.selectedIndex].text;
function testJS(){
document.getElementById('jS').value = 'T';
function showDirections(){
try {
var imgDirections = document.getElementById('directions');
imgDirections.style.visibility = 'visible';
function showImage(){
try {
var imgChartImage = document.getElementById('chartimage');
imgChartImage.style.visibility = 'visible';
function changeColorSubmitButton(){
function submitform(){
document.getElementById('myButton').value = 'Please Wait';
function stepLocationForward(){
var targetIndex = cmbLocation.selectedIndex;
if (targetIndex < (cmbLocation.length - 1)){
cmbLocation.selectedIndex = targetIndex + 1;
} else {
cmbLocation.selectedIndex = 0;
function stepBack(){
var targetIndex = cmbEndDate.selectedIndex + (stepIncrement * 1.0);
if (targetIndex > (cmbEndDate.length - 1)){
cmbEndDate.selectedIndex = cmbEndDate.selectedIndex;
} else {
cmbEndDate.selectedIndex = targetIndex;
function stepForward(){
var targetIndex = cmbEndDate.selectedIndex - (stepIncrement * 1.0);
if (targetIndex < 0){
cmbEndDate.selectedIndex = 0;
} else {
cmbEndDate.selectedIndex = targetIndex;
//Timer functions
var secs;
var timerID = null;
var timerRunning = false;
var delay = 1000;
function initializeTimer(secsFromChart){
// Set the length of the timer, in seconds
if (secsFromChart == null){
if (timerRunning){
secs = secs - 5;
if (secs < 0){
secs = 3;
if (secs == null){
secs = 298;
secs = secsFromChart;
function stopTheTimer(){
if (timerRunning){
timerRunning = false;
// This color change was used when there was a pause mode.
//document.getElementById('spTimerSec').style.color = 'red';
function startTheTimer(){
//Reset the color back to normal.
//document.getElementById('spTimerSec').style.color = '#008080';
if (secs==0){
// Here's where you put something useful that's
// executes after the allotted time.
self.status = secs;
if (secs < 10){
secs = ' ' + secs;
document.getElementById('spTimerSec').firstChild.nodeValue = '' + secs + 's.';
secs = secs - 1;
timerRunning = true;
timerID = self.setTimeout("startTheTimer()", delay);
function changeRegionAnchorValue( theInputString){
//window.alert( theInputString);
if (theInputString=='MN') {
document.getElementById('regionanchor').firstChild.nodeValue = 'Columbia Basin Weather';
} else if (theInputString=='CR') {
document.getElementById('regionanchor').firstChild.nodeValue = 'Minnesota Weather';
} else {
document.getElementById('regionanchor').firstChild.nodeValue = theInputString;
function setRegionState(){
document.getElementById('Region_state').value = 'new';